Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

WOW what a day it's been here. Someone please tell me that your house looks like a freaking tornado went through the living room just like mine does......I'll seriously feel better at that point. LOL. My kids loved all the gifts they received and so do I. My husband always picks out things that are special in some way or another to me. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes useful but either way he does a fabulous job helping the kids as well get just the right things. I will share more on that later but for today I wanted to post some more beautiful cards I have received from some very special online friends. Today is a day to be thankful for our family and our friends and I really have some of the best. The joy card is from Delia and the Santa card is from Joani and both are on the Diva group with me. The poinsettia card is from Lori on the CTRUS group. I just think they are all so pretty! I hope you enjoy your Christmas day wherever you are.

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